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攀岩训练之 启动你潜在力量的六种心理策略









Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2019-4-13 22:10:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
原著者:Eric J. H rst
翻译:铁马山社OB 柯惠平
校稿:铁马山社 山友 洪妍佩
The quickest way to enhance your performance in almost anything is to improve the quality of your thinking. This is definitely true in climbing whether you're working a high-ball boulder problem, sport route, multi-pitch traditional line, or alpine route. All performance operates from the inside-out--your beliefs, focus, emotions, and confidence form the foundation from which you will either seed or fail.
对大部份的事情而言,最快增加你表现的方式去,是加强你的思考品质。对而言也是如此,不论你是在练习攀岩、运动攀登、多绳距传统攀登或式攀登。所有的成绩表现都是由内而外的 - 你的信念、专注、情绪及信心都是决定你成功或失败的基础。
While off-season strength training and year-round technique training are paramount for progressing into the higher grades, during the climbing season your biggest breakthroughs will come from toning and flexing your mental muscle. To this end, I have outlined below six mental strategies and skills that will help elevate your performance and enjoyment.
Practice them with the same dediion and resolve as you would a new strength training program, and you'll be pleasantly surprised with the results. Obtain the greatest payoff by applying these skills all the time, not just when you feel like it. For some, an almost instant breakthrough will follow on the rock, while others will need to persist and let these mental skills build to a critical value before they will produce a noticeable impact in your climbing. (This depends upon the current degree of "tone" or "atrophy" of your mental muscle.")
Recognize that these six mental training skills are interlaced and can produce a powerful synergy when all are in practice. In aggregate, they may produce an effect similar to unloading a 10-pound weight from your back that you have unknoly been hauling up climbs. I call this using your "mental wings."
1. Separate your self-image from your performance.
If you are reading this magazine, then climbing surely plays a major role in your life. Unfortunately, when your self-image is tied too strongly or singly to this role, it translates to an overwhelming need to perform perfectly every time in order to prove your worth in that role and, thus, as a person. The subsequent pressure can become stifling and is maybe the single greatest cause of frustration in this sport (or in any endeavor).
Human beings perform best in a process-oriented, not outcome-oriented, frame of mind. Detaching your self-image from your climbing performance allows you to enjoy climbing regardless of the outcome. More importantly, it liberates you to try new things, take chances or, say, throw a dyno that might be required to get through a crux sequence. Bottom line: self-image detachment will reduce pressure and anxiety and, paradoxically, you'll climb better by not needing to!
1. 将你的自我印像(认知)与你的表现分离
如果你正在读这本杂志,那么攀岩在你的生活中一定扮演了重要的角色。不幸的是,当你过分重视或只重视自己在这角色,所呈现出的形象,这将转变成极大压力,使你在任何时间都必须有完美的表现,来证明你在这角色中的价值,甚至是你个人的价。这随之而来的压力会令人难以忍受,或许也会造成你在攀岩中最大挫折的来源 (甚至是对任何事)。
2. Surround yourself with positive people.
There is an aura or influence that surrounds each of us and its effects are based on our personality and attitude towards life and its s. Your thoughts and actions will affect the thoughts and actions of those around you, and vice versa. As I see it, there are three options-either climb alone, climb with upbeat and positive people, or climb with cynical and negative people. Why would you ever want to climb with the "complainers" out there? Their negative aura impacts your climbing and enjoyment whether you recognize it or not. Vow to either climb with positive individuals or by yourself-both can be hugely rewarding. However, if pushing your limits is the goal du jour, then take advantage of the synergy afforded to you by having creative, motivating and positive people on your side.
2. 多与心态正面的人相处在一起
有一种气息或影响力围绕着我们每一个人,它也影响着我们的人格和面对生活及问题的态度。你的想法及行动将影响你周围人的想法及行动,反过来说也是如此。正如我所看到的,这有三个选择,独攀、与正面乐观的人一起攀登或与负面悲观的人一起。你怎么可能会想要去跟爱抱怨的人一起攀登呢? 他们的负面态度,将会影响你攀登的乐趣与表现,不管你是否有注意到。要求自己在攀登时与正面思想的人在一起或自己也成俱正面思想的人,这将带给你极大的帮助。不论如何,如果推到极限是你的当前的目标,那么请藉由群体合作方式,使你有一群具有创造力、有活力、及正面思想的人在身边!

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